Holly Haworth is an award-winning author whose work has been included in The Best American Science and Nature Writing and listed as notable in The Best American Travel Writing. She is a recipient of the Middlebury Fellowship in Environmental Journalism and has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize. Her first nonfiction book, This Resounding World: A Field Guide to Listening, has received the Robert B. Silvers Foundation Grant for Works in Progress.

{photo taken at Kīlauea Iki crater, Kīlauea volcano, Big Island, Hawai’i, by Isaac Haworth}

{photo on home page taken in a broomsedge field in Winterville, Georgia, by Katherine Copley}

An essayist and reporter, Holly writes at the intersection of ecology, history, science, spirituality, technology, and culture. Her essays and articles have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Orion, Literary Hub, Lapham’s Quarterly, Oxford American, The Bitter Southerner, Creative Nonfiction, Terrain.org, Virginia Quarterly Review, In These Times, The Utne Reader, Sierra, and at the On Being radio program blog.

She is also a poet. Her poems have appeared in The Southern Humanities Review and been anthologized in A Literary Field Guide to Southern Appalachia. Her first book of poems, The Way the Moon, is out now at Mercer University Press. It has been nominated for the Weatherford Award.

Holly has written about rivers; mountains; tree migration; ancient fossils; extinction; deep time; the night sky; Hawaiian star navigation; the harvest of mescal agave; mycelium networks; mushroom foraging; urban watersheds; root-digging and medicinal plants; billionaires in space; the timber, gas, and coal-mining industries, coal ash spills and coal ash dumps; public art; square dancing; freshwater mussels; cricket song; music and sound; walking; and long train rides.

She is a recipient of the Robert B. Silvers Foundation grant for works in progress, for her forthcoming book This Resounding World: A Field Guide to Listening (Bloomsbury); a Middlebury Fellowship in Environmental Journalism; the Thomas J. Lyons Fellowship from the Western Literature Association, and the Jackson Fellowship at Hollins University, where she earned an MFA. In 2015, she was the Artist-in-Residence at Guadalupe Mountains National Park.

In addition to writing, Holly is an educator, a forager, an herbalist, and a naturalist. She earned a Southern Appalachian naturalist certificate at the Great Smoky Mountains Institute. Originally from East Tennessee, she has lived in New Mexico, Utah, and Virginia, and is currently based in the Georgia Piedmont.

She is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

Holly is represented by Bonnie Nadell at Hill Nadell Literary Agency in Los Angeles.